A rock. A sharpened stick. In the hands of humans, tools. They improve our mechanical advantage. They help us build shelters, feed the masses, create art, conduct business. Syrendell uses tools for our hands-on workshops and retreats: hammers, files, drop spindles, lucets, and looms, to name a few. However, in this current technology, we also rely on things such as HoneyBook, Weebly, Instagram, and a thing called Google. They're all tools - devices that help us create, express, innovate. Like all tools, they were designed by people who were confronted by a problem and saw a solution. HoneyBook, for instance, is a people-first company in San Francisco founded by a couple of hipsters who saw a need for a wedding directory. Here is a list of the computer/digital/web tools we use for both of our businesses Syrendell and Tan Weddings & Events. These tools have allowed us to optimize our work flow, express our imaginations, develop our brand, and reach our audience. And as you will see, there's a specific tool for every task. You wouldn't use a paring knife to cut crusty sourdough bread, would you? So when you see your children enjoying handwork at one of our Syrendell Summer Camps, know that we use more than just a crochet hook to make it happen. The toolbox for entrepreneurs and business owners contains gadgets and Google, hammers and HoneyBook! Click on the icons to take you to the respective companies or to our own pages. Click on the HoneyBook icon and it will take you to a sign-up page! Comments are closed.
January 2024