In feng shui, the intentional placement of belongings within a space optimizes the flow of positive chi, which promotes wellness, prosperity, and healthy relationships. Rooted in eastern mysticism, its auspicious practice has yielded powerful results. One of its most useful tools is the bagua map, which identifies areas within a space that support each realm of experience. The Syrendell Journal borrows the bagua map to create the chi-graph - a unique journaling platform for the intentional placement of thoughts. These nine realms of human experience are Sensuality, Legacy, Prosperity, Creativity, Harmony, Vitality, Synergy, Industry, and Identity. Your experiences can be categorized into any of these nine realms, revealing the interconnected and dynamic nature of our life forces. Your thoughts are comprised of the imprint of past life events, commentaries on current life circumstances, and projections into future life paths. By exploring, arranging and transcribing your thoughts accordingly on the chi-graph, you activate the positive flow of your personal chi. The chi-graph is the journal entry page where you are in freedom to creatively express your thoughts as drawings, doodles, keywords, poem or prose - however way fits with your writing or drawing style. Nourished or neglected? When you reflect on your chi-graph entries, you may find that some areas of your life have more positive flow than others. The Syrendell Journal gives you the courage to revisit and retune neglected areas of your life, and to care for and heal the parts that need your attention. Likewise, it shows you the areas of your life that truly lift your spirits. With the Syrendell Journal, you begin the empowering process of discovering your whole self, celebrating the forces that sustain your soul, and awakening your creative genius! NOTE: At the Syrendell Summer Retreat 2016 at Park Winters, guided by Dr. Rick Tan, participants will explore their thoughts with the Syrendell Journal, catalyzing the positive flow of creative, loving energy, all from the luxurious and tranquil setting of Park Winters in Winters, CA. The Syrendell Journal will be available to the public in the Fall of 2016. |
January 2024