Who are the teachers that teach at Syrendell Summer Camp? They are kind, creative souls who were once children too! This is first of a series of interviews with these wonderful nature folk. Meet Trisha Lambert, our early childhood track instructor. 1) Where were you born and where did you live as a kid? I was born in San Diego and lived there my whole life until I moved to Davis for College. 2) What did you like to do as a kid? As a kid I loved being outside, at the beach, playing in the canyons and going to the San Diego Zoo when ever I could. In my early teens I walked everywhere with my best friend- we walked miles home from school just to be together, we would just talk and talk the whole way. In the summer we would walk miles to the beach because we just loved to walk and felt like we had all the time in the world. 3) Who were one of your heroes growing up and why? My dad was my biggest hero! He knew so much about everything- especially plants and gardening. I still love to garden. I also remember him motivating me to have good spelling- he could connect any possible grown up job to needing to have good spelling! 4) What/who motivated you to become a teacher? A love of children. 5) What inspires you to be creative? Nature the most, if I don't have much time in nature I find I have trouble being creative. 6) Do you have a pet? What is its name? Shadow. I found him when he was a tiny, tiny kitten in the snow in South Dakota. 7) What is one of your favorite foods? I really enjoy fresh berries in the summer. I currently live surrounded by berries! Heaven! 8) If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be? To be able to heal all people with love. 9) Why do you want to teach at Syrendell Summer Camp? I love working with young children and I love the adults that run the camp. I love crafting! and enjoying helping children learn that they too can be creative. Comments are closed.
January 2024